What Should Happen to the University of Miami?

by Paul Land

If Shapiro's allegations prove true, is there anything in the NCAA's bylaws that would prevent it from relegating Miami to the FCS for a few years?

Think about it. They'd keep their football team, but lose the right to play with the big boys for a while.

When was the last time you heard about major ongoing infractions like this at a 1-AA program? You don't. Because nobody cares about them, outside their immediate fanbase.

Let Miami be like the rest of the FCS teams. Make them an indie, like Georgia State. Play one or two of the big schools a year for a paycheck, settle in with your scholarship and travel-squad limits like Delaware and Appy State are dealing with. They'd still have a team. People wouldn't lose their jobs (well, a few would, but the program would need people to run it.)

The Devin Shapiros of the world latch onto big programs because they get all that reflected attention and glory that comes from being one of those big-time programs. Take away the big-timeyness for three years; you'll find out who the real boosters are.

I really don't understand why this hasn't ever been proposed as an option. There must be some reason, but if the NCAA has control over anything, it should be able to say what division you're eligible to play in as a member institution, BCS be damned. And the NCAA runs the FCS playoffs.

Curious to hear your thoughts on this. You can post below or at BenzDuck.com.

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Aug 26, 2011
Death penalty
by: Anonymous

This is nothing new. This covers several decades, 4 or 5 coaches and many many boosters having this type of activity with the school. They deserve the death penalty

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