Things to Consider Before Using Somatrem (Protropin)

Have you ever heard of the medication somatrem? Perhaps, you’ve heard it under its brand name protropin. Anyhow, regardless of which name rings the bell, this drug is famous for its direct effect on the human growth hormone, beneficial in the treatment of various conditions, resulting from its decreased or non-existing secretion.

Therefore, it’s widely used for the treatment of cachexia, the Prader-Willy syndrome, hearth problems, dwarfism and many more, by inducing the secretion of the hormone responsible for normal growth, thus preventing a series of other more severe diseases.

Things to Consider Before Using Somatrem (Protropin)

Take a look at the most crucial things to consider prior to purchasing this medication.

Consider its uses

The principle use of somatrem is related to the stimulation of the human growth hormone in the organism, thus aiding the treatment of various growth or weight-related health conditions.


For instance, somatrem is beneficial for people suffering from cachexia, caused by an improper muscle function as well as impaired muscle growth. In spite of having a normal diet, these people are experiencing constant loss of weight, not just losing their fat, but their muscle mass, as well.

In fact, this condition most commonly accompanies more severe diseases, such as cancer and multiple sclerosis. However, by affecting the secretion of the HGH hormone, somatrem has a major role in strengthening the muscles, increasing their mass and connecting the tissue, in order to avoid extreme weight loss.


Protropin is also believed to be helpful in the case of dwarfism, a condition which describes people who are abnormally short in comparison with the average-height standards. Although this condition has various types, all of them are considered to be mainly caused by a hormone misbalance that gradually leads to osteoarthritis. Click here to learn more about its causes, symptoms and treatments.

Consequently, protropin helps in the prevention of osteoarthritis by stimulating the HGH hormone, which in turn increases the amount of minerals in the bones and uses its tissue connectivity properties to prevent chronic pain, particularly in the joints’ area.

Prader-Willi syndrome

People with Prader-Willy syndrome are also suffering from improper growth and slow development of the body organs, resulting in appetite loss in the initial phases, followed by an abnormally increased appetite, leading to overweight.

The role of somatrem is aiding the process of transforming fat into muscle mass as well as improving their sleep quality, being the most common characteristics of the syndrome. Also, their muscles tend to be extremely weak, which is why this drug is an excellent choice for revamping their strength.

Cardiovascular problems (heart failure)

HGH is believed to be directly associated with the risk of cardiovascular health issues, particularly heart failure. The less secretion of this hormone, the bigger the risk of experiencing heart failure. People suffering from this condition aren’t supplied with the required amount of blood, travelling from the heart to the other parts of the body, most commonly caused by high blood pressure.

Thus, by regulating the secretion of the HGH hormone to its optimal amount, protropin is capable of restoring the blood flow back to normal and preventing all potential heart problems. On the following link:, you can find more information on its uses.

Consider the potential side effects

As any other type of drug, somatrem is prone to having side-effects that aren’t particularly damaging to human health, but are definitely worth taking into consideration. The most common ones include the reduce or increase of the cholesterol levels in the organism. The former is more typical for adults while the latter is more experienced by the elder population.

Among the other side effects are the potential swelling of the body parts as well as muscle pain. Also, there’s a probability of insulin increase as well as developing intolerance to glucose. Therefore, the wisest thing to do prior to taking this drug is having a consultation with your doctor in order to determine the right dosage for your condition, so as to avoid the potential side effects.

Wrap up

Protropin can really aid the treatment of all the above-mentioned conditions by administrating the right dosage.

Be sure of its uses and side effects prior to the purchase!


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