Online Betting on NFL Bets

The National Football League is one of the most exciting leagues on American soil. This league draws many viewers globally and also draws bets on matches.

Online Betting on NFL Bets
NFL Betting |

Placing an NFL odds bet requires more than just a hunch. Dig around for vital information before placing football bets if you seek sustained winnings over the NFL season. The point spreads are used frequently when placing a football bet.

Getting Started with NFL Football Bets

An NFL football bet could be fun provided you play intelligently and treat it like you would any other recreational sport. Don't agonize over a bad streak of lost NFL football bets. As with any other form of gambling, an NFL football bet also should be approached with astute money management and reasonable expectations.

An NFL football bet of about $20 per game requires that you maintain a minimum bankroll of about $1500. If you plan to place a larger NFL football bet of about $500 per game, you would require a minimum bankroll of $25,000. If you like a lot of betting action, drop your NFL football bet size to 2 or 3 % of your bankroll.

Ways NFL Bets are Expressed

There are many ways of expressing the odds in NFL Football bets. Some popular NFL football bets and payoffs are discussed in detail below.

Straight Bet/Point Spreads

A straight bet is the most common form of NFL sports betting. In straight NFL Football bets, there is generally a point spread as part of the bet. In point spread NFL football bets, the payoff is generally $100 for each $110 wager unless otherwise noted (the sportsbook needs its vigorish, of course).

Point spreads are one of the most popular ways of expressing NFL football bet odds because it aims to level the NFL football bet odds. If the handicappers pick out the right point spread numbers, there is an almost even chance of winning or losing the NFL football bet.

The point spread aims at handicapping an underdog team and ensuring a more or less equal number of bettors on both sides.

How are the NFL Football Bet Odds Leveled In Point Spread Betting?

The underdogs will have points added to their score, and the same number of points is deducted from the favorites' score. These added or deducted points are the point spread (sometimes called the NFL football bet line or the price).

Totals Bet

An NFL football bet can also take the form of a Totals bet. Such an NFL football bet is also called Over/Under bets. The combined score of the teams is wagered on here. Look at an example of an NFL football bet of the Totals kind:

A person can lay $220 Over in a Miami/Buffalo game for the total score of 45. Such an NFL football bet is won if the combined score is more than 45. The winnings would be $200 here. The NFL football bet is lost if the combined score is less than 45. Such an NFL football bet is considered 'no action' if the combined score is 45 and the money on such a wager is returned.

Halftime Betting

Halftime wagering is another way of expressing an NFL football bet. This type of football bet is placed on either the first or second half of the game. Parlays are popular NFL football bets.

NFL Football Betting Things to Know

Say you bet on the chalk. Since the chalk is the favorite, points are deducted from its final score. The chalk must win by the point spread decided when the NFL bet was placed. If the chalk still has more points than the underdog after subtracting the point spread from its final score, your bet is said to have covered the spread, and you win.

Point spreads are affected by factors like the weather, player injuries, etc. If the sportsbook disproportionately favors one team or another, the point spread may be adjusted. But you are generally locked into whatever the point spread was when you placed the NFL bet.

If you look at the NFL odds in point spread betting, you will find that one team has a positive number while the other has a negative number. In point spread NFL sports betting, the chalks are listed with a negative number because points are subtracted from their final score.

Likewise, the underdogs are listed with a positive number because points are added to their final score. The game is declared "no action" if there is a tie. So no one wins or loses.

An example would make things more clear. Suppose the St. Louis Rams are playing the Baltimore Ravens. The Rams are expected to win the game, and the spread is, say, 5. So, the Rams are listed as -5 while the Ravens are listed as +5.

Say you bet on the Rams. You win the bet if the Rams win by more than 5 points. If they win by exactly 5 points, it is a "no action" game, and your money is returned. But you lose the bet if the Rams win by less than 5 points.

NFL betting is exciting and has many other aspects. However, we will stop here for now, and we hope you get value from this read!


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