6 Tips to Help You Stay Comfortable When Cycling

Cycling is an excellent and fun activity to participate in. Alongside helping you get plenty of exercise, it allows you to see nature and connect with other like-minded individuals. However, one main problem that many have is staying comfortable, especially on longer rides.

In this article, we are going to discuss six tips to help you so that you can enjoy yourself. Let's get started!

Wear breathable clothing

One of the first things you need to address in order to stay comfortable when cycling is your clothing. It needs to keep you cool while protecting your body from the elements. Ultimate Teamwear offer Custom Cycling Jerseys that are made from moisture management fabric to keep you comfortable. They are a great place to get started, and you can even get them for the whole group.

Invest in the right saddle

Getting a sore backside is one of the most common side-effects of cycling that many people experience. While most go and purchase the biggest padding they can find, it's often not the best option as it can increase pressure on your bones. Instead, opt for thin padding to add a nice cushioning effect. If you're replacing your saddle altogether, make sure it can accommodate your weight and distribute it evenly.

Change your bar tape

Alongside your behind, keeping your hands in good condition is essential. If you are traveling over rough surfaces, you can experience pain in your wrists. Changing your bar tape and double wrapping it with two layers will help reduce the road vibrations. Some individuals even look at placing gel inserts underneath, but it all depends on personal preference.

Find supportive footwear

The last thing you want is for your feet to feel squished after riding. While your shoes need to fit correctly, they should also have some room in case your feet do swell. Try on different options, and make sure you bring your cycling socks so that you get the correct size. If you don't want to invest in a completely new pair, getting some sole inserts is also recommended as they can be customized.

Adjust your bike as needed

Every person is unique, and no bike is 'one size fits all.' Take time to adjust everything until you find the most comfortable position. This may take a bit of trial and error, but it will be worth it in the end. Some aspects you may need to change include:

  • Your reach
  • Handlebar height
  • Seat height and angle
  • Cleat positioning

You can find more information here.

Use chamois cream

Chamois cream eliminates the friction that is caused between the skin and clothing. By using it, you can reduce chafing, saddle soreness and ride for longer periods of time. When choosing the right brand, try and look for a formula that is suitable for sensitive skin. It should also contain anti-bacterial properties to prevent infection.

By following the above, you can remain comfortable while enjoying this fantastic activity. Good luck!


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